eMpower Health centres in uganda project.fw
Powering Health Centers in Uganda. A project by Environmental Alert 2021-2023.

challenges and opportunities climate resilient change in Uganda
Annual trends in resource allocation to the primary climate resilience sectors of ENR and Agriculture have remained below national and international policy targets.

budget Allocation
This Study Report was produced by Environmental Alert in partnership with CARE International in Uganda, ‘through strengthening resilience and inclusive governance, ‘Program with Financial support from DANIDA through Care Denmark. The programme is being implemented by CARE International in Uganda in partnership with National CSOs partners.

ENR report 2021
Prepared for the 12thAnnual Water and Environment Joint Sector Review 2020. Theme: “The role of Water and Environment in the Industrialization and Wealth Creation Agenda of Uganda.”

enr position paper leaflet-folded
Presented ahead of the 12th Annual Water and Environment Joint Sector Review 2020. Theme: “The role of Water and Environment in the industrialization and wealth creation agenda of Uganda.”

cover page
Prepared for the 11 t h Annual Water and Enviroment Joint Sector Review 2019. “The role of Water and Environment in the Industrialization and Wealth Creation Agenda of Uganda.”

iggpr position paper
Submitted by: Environment and Natural Resources Civil Society (ENR-CSO)Network Secretariat (hosted at Environmental Alert), on behalf of the ENR-CSO Network, December 2019. This Issues Paper is an output from the ENR-CSO led activities under the Green Growth for Poverty Reduction Programme (IGG4PR) implemented by the Ministry of Water and Environment with technical, technological, operational and financial support by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The issues paper was generated by Kabarole NGOs/CBOs Association (KANCA) on behalf of the ENR-CSO Network

Prepared and delivered during the Water Security Action and Investment Plan
(WSAIP) Greater Kampala Stakeholders Meeting held on 5th December 2019 at
Golf Course Hotel.”

position paper
Presented ahead of the 11th Annual Water and Environment Joint Sector Review 2019 under the THEME: “The role of Water and Environment in the Industrialization and Wealth Creation Agenda of Uganda.”

General comments – observations and recommendations on the draft wetlands policy consideration by the Wetlands Management Department, Ministry of Water and Environment

The efforts by CSOs; Challenges and Opportunities for collaboration and partnership with the Parliamentary Committee on Natural Resources to advance to advance sustainable Management of Natural Resources.

CSO Report 2018
Environment & Natural Resources Civil Society Organisation consolidated annual performance report, 2018. The report highlights challenges and recommendations in the different thematic areas.

position paper2017c
ENR-CSO position paper on Performance in the ENR Subsector for the financial year 2017/18. The position paper has revealed challenges in different thematic areas, say for wetlands,  where Political, as well as interference by security agencies in the wetlands management, have continued to impede some of the law enforcement efforts.

position paper2
ENR CSOs Position on the Performance of Environment and Natural Resources sub-Sector in Financial Year 2016/17. A position paper presented ahead of the 9th Annual Water and Environment Joint Sector Review 2016/2017.

This ENR-CSO performance report provides the contribution of ENR-CSOs to development and offers a constructive and non-biased assessment of the performance of the ENR sub-sector agencies towards the attainment of key undertakings.

Promoting bee-keeping among Tobacco growing communities in Northern Uganda
CSOs in the environment and natural resources sub-sector have been developing performance assessment reports to demonstrate their investment and contribution to the development of the sector

“Enhanced performance of the environment sector  through promotion of sustainable production, trade and investment in natural resources”

Performance Report 2011-2012

“Towards good governance and improved service delivery in the Environment and Natural Resources sub-sector”

In Financial Year, 2011/2012, 35  ENR CSOs invested USD 4,012,624 millions of which 50.5 % was invested in forestry, 16.8 % in weather, climate and climate change, 17.6% in governance, 6.5% in Environmental Management and 10.4% in Wetlands Management.

‘Call to Government of Uganda to improve financing of the environment
sub-sector in order to secure our environment, wetlands and forests.’