Workshop Presentations
Inadequate data to inform decision making, policy formulation and advocacy within the Environment and Natural Resources sub-sector. By Lyango Lucy Assistant Commissioner, Ministry of Water and Environment ,28th November 2019. Esella Country Hotel.
Funding the environment and natural resources sub-sector, a presentation at the policy dialogue involving key policy and decision makers at national and local level. By James Kaweesi. Assistant commissioner policy and planning, ministry of water and environment, 28th November, 2019, Esella country resort
Under staffing in natural resources department, experiences and lessons from Wakiso DLG. Presented by Rebecca Ssabaganzi district natural resources officer, 28th November 2019 at a policy dialogue with MDAS, LGS and partners in the Rio conventions implementation.
Enhancing Climate Change Mainstreaming. By Semambo Muhammad.
Overview of the CBD, its protocols and progress of implementation. By Francis Ogwal Sabino, Natural Resources Manager (Biodiversity & Rangelands), Presented At The Rio Convention Awareness Workshop, Esella Hotel, 8 November 2019.
Rio conventions implementation in piloting DLGS, A synthesis and analysis of common issues to district level stakeholders for policy dialogue. By Mugabi David district production and marketing officer, Kayunga DLG
The United Nations Convention To Combat Desertification Its Implications And Benefits To Uganda ,Rio Multi-Lateral Environment Agreements And National Frameworks In Uganda, On 8th November 2019, By Stephen Muwaya UNCCD National Focal Point, Ministry Of Agriculture, Animal Industry And Fisheries.
Key outcomes of the COP 14 for Action at National Level Provisional in the UNCCD COP 14 decisions. By Stephen Muwaya MAAIF.
Good lessons, best practices and emerging issues in implementation of national commitments under the Rio conventions; A case of Mityana District. Presented By Bbira Yasin, District Natural Resources Officer/Mityana
UNCCD COP 14 Dissemination And Land Degradation Neutrality (Ldn) Dialogue. By Freddie Kabango AC-SWC-MAAIF
Good Lessons, Best Practices and Emerging Issues in the Implementation of National Commitments under the Rio Conventions; a Case of Mubende District Local Government. By Kinene Vincent –District Natural Resources Officer
The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification Its Implications and Benefits To Uganda Rio, Multi-Lateral Environment Agreements and National Frameworks In Uganda Achievements, Lessons, Best Practices And Emerging Issues, On 19th December 2019. By Stephen Muwaya UNCCD National Focal Point Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries
Briefing Notes about the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification Conference of Parties (UNCDD CoP) 14, Dissemination and Land Degradation Neutrality Dialogue, 12th November 2019 at Rider Hotel, Seeta – Mukono. By Dr. Joshua Zake (PhD), Executive Director, Environmental Alert