I take this opportunity to invite you a stakeholders’ event at which ECOTRUST will officially launch three conservation funds: ECOTRUST Endowment Fund, Carbon Bank and PES (Payment for Environmental Services) Fund.  The goal of ECOTRUST is ‘To Provide long-term sustained funding for the conservation of biodiversity and environmental management in Uganda’.  This year, ECOTRUST will focus its stakeholders’ event on highlighting innovations in establishing sustainable financing mechanisms under the theme, ‘Improving Livelihoods & Restoring Ecosystems.


Participants will include high-ranking officials from Government & non-government institutions, donor community, private sector as well as international PES practitioners. Chris Stephenson, Director of the Plan Vivo Foundation, will present the international standard’s pioneering role in reaching out to small farmers and communities in developing countries. Project developers from Mexico, Uganda, and Nicaragua will share lessons on pitfalls and recovery strategies of utilizing carbon offsets to co-fund the balance of sustainable agroforestry, and researchers will discuss the viability of carbon offsets in the context of biodiversity and watershed services. We’re also planning to hold an informal exhibition of images to showcase experiences from several other countries.


I Kindly request you to confirm your interest in participation with Jackie Kigozi on jkigozi@ecotrust.or.ug  with a copy to support@ecotrust.or.ug.


Additional details of this and the associated events can be found on this link http://www.iied.org/save-date-payments-for-ecosystem-services-conferen